Yellow All Spring ’18

Soooo… I’ve come to the realization that my body is not the same anymore 🙁 Last Sunday I went to Coolerfest with my brothers and it took me two days to recover. I haven’t had a drink in so long and  having only three cups that night did it for me. If you’ve never been

Ainkas Jewels

If you know me, you know my love for fashion/artsy events. I live for a night out amongst creatives like myself. I was invited to Ainkas Jewels Spring Fashion Show Event to showcase her newest collection and it was nothing short of amazing. I think she may have invented the phrase arm candy. All her

Thursday’s Glow

Man… I’m not sure why I thought today was Friday, but I was in such a good mood! Maybe because I looked good? Or maybe because I got up super early this morning? Or maybe because I know tomorrow is Friday (FYI which is my favorite day of the week)? Orrrrrr just maybe because I