Traveling With My Little One

Bruhhh! Let me first start off saying traveling with an infant is not easy. At this point, I don’t know when our next trip will be lol. Even though I wasn’t traveling by myself, it still was hard. It wasn’t his behavior, truly he was an angel. He slept the whole way there and surprisingly the air pressure didn’t bother him (well he wasn’t cranky so I’m making that assumption lol).

We caught a red-eye on the way back home and he still was good. There was another mother on that flight and her daughter was hollering to the top of her lungs. A part of me felt sorry for the mom because that is so embarrassing. Everyone is looking at you like you can’t control your child or that you’re a young dumb parent but sometimes it’s not about you being a good parent, something is just wrong with the baby at that moment.

So yeah, that’s how one part of me felt. Lol the other part of me was having a haha gloating moment because my baby was super chill and I looked like the good mommy 🙂 lol Soooo contradictory.

So how was it hard even though he was well-behaved? It was too much to lug around. We had to carry his stroller and carseat everywhere. Plus I had my purse and my luggage. I did get smart and pack both of our clothes and personal items in the same luggage. And I also carried one of my bigger handbags so that I could fit more in it. But more stuff in one bag equals heavier bags 🙁 And to make matters worse, we were constantly stopped by TSA because we were carrying Masyn’s milk. But overall, it was a good trip!

I love taking Masyn with me everywhere that I go. While he certainly won’t remember it, I strongly believe it will play a major part in his development. Already, I’ve noticed that he is more alert.

I’ve been feeling like twinning more with my munchkin which requires me to wear sneakers more often, which sucks because two years ago I gave all my sneakers away (not to mention, traveling with an infant requires flats). Now I’m trying to be an Indian-Giver and get them back! Still remaining feminine while keeping him masculine, we wore the same sneakers but I paired mine with a skirt while Masyn wore light grey jeans. I actually purchased his whole outfit while I was in New York. It’s funny, I don’t even walk in the store and purchase anything for myself anymore.

I’m not too keen on clothing for him with characters or animals on it, so I searched and searched for a plain white tee. When I saw the grey pocket on the shirt, I knew it would be perfect for the grey jeans. To bring the black sneakers in, I added a black/white/grey plaid shirt. And just to give him that real big boy look, I tied it around his waist. Or should I say I pinned it around his waist lol. Since the sleeves were too short, I actually took a safety pin and pinned the top around him.

For my skirt, I knew I wanted a turtleneck active wear top so my “REAL” one was perfect! The cute thing about the skirt is that you can wear it snapped or unsnapped, but since I was traveling with my baby sexy really wasn’t the swag I was going for so I wore mine snapped. I like tube socks with sporty looks so I grabbed these. They’re actually Converse socks and since that’s a fashion faux pas, I made sure to scrunch them down so the name wasn’t too visible lol.



Mommy’s look: REAL SWEATSHIRT – Forever 21 (sold out)- similar here, and here. SNAP SKIRT – After 5 Lux (sold out)- similar here and here. TUBE SOCKS- Converse – similar here, here, and here. VANS- Journey’s 

Masyn’s look: WHITE QUARTER SLEEVE TEE- Zara, GREY JEANS- Zara, PLAID SHIRT- Zara, VANS- Journey’s.

2 thoughts on “Traveling With My Little One

  1. You are a brave soul! I just went to the grocery store yesterday with my 2-month old and was a nervous wreck. She slept the entire time but still lol! I can’t wait to start matching with my mini me as well.

    1. Lol I don’t know if I would describe it as brave or foolish! But take her now girl! And as she gets older, she will already know how to behave when you guys go. Lol you won’t have to give her that “don’t come in here touching anything” speech.

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