Goal Setting

Despite how cliché it may sound I have to say it, “New Year, New Goals” 🙂

The purpose of today’s story is to share my New Year’s Goals with you guys and obviously the details of my outfit! I accomplished so much last year but this year I want to do even more. My goals are not entirely different from last year’s, but are more or less the same just with higher expectations. At the end of the post I would love for you to comment your goals!

For NYE, my family and I decided to have a Vision Board Party. If you have never had one or participated in one you definitely should try it! So basically you get a bunch of magazines and cut/paste pictures that pertain to your goals. You also want to have other materials that you want to put on your board to make it stand out and be a representation of you (i.e. glitter, stickers, patches, etc.). The great thing about it is that you have a visual to keep you on track with your goals for the remainder of the year. Later on in this post you will see the board I created.

So anywho, back to my goals… This year I want to dress up more! I know what you are thinking! More? Lol yes more… If you have shopped with me in my store in the last eight months you know exactly what I am talking about lol. Truthfully, during my pregnancy and now after giving birth I really don’t dress up as much, mostly due to the fact that I don’t have time. Which brings me to my next goal: Making time to dress up/time management! I truly enjoy being all glammed up. It is something about looking your best that also makes you perform well in everything you do. This may require losing a little sleep but the confidence I will gain throughout the day is much more rewarding.

My third goal is to go all in with my business. More marketing, more photoshoots, more connects, you name it, I’m doing it. Other minute goals include exercising and drinking more water. I need this skin glowing, this booty sitting up, and these abs giving life! I can go on and on with my goals but you will see them on my vision board. One thing I would like to say before I can conclude is that you don’t need a new year or a new day to start accomplishing your goals. You just need a split second and determination. In the moment if you feel driven to do something then do it RIGHT THEN. Sometimes being impulsive is a good thing because if we are not then fear later cripples us. 2018 is all about stepping out of our comfort zones. And don’t try to slip off… I told you I wanted to hear your goals girl! Drop a comment below.

Outfit Details:

PUFF SLEEVE TOP: here // TWEED SKIRT: here // CLUTCH: here // HEELS are sold out but find similar ones here, here, and here.

6 thoughts on “Goal Setting

  1. First off thanks so much for starting your blog back up, I swear it gives me life and motivates me. My goal for the year is to pass the entrance exam for nursing school, and currently make it through anatomy classes so I can apply. I’m also a mother so I need to become more organized and definitely have better time management skills.

    1. Awww, you’re welcome! I’m glad it motivates you! Believe it or not, it motivates me too! If there’s ever a topic you want me to address let me know! <3

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